Wednesday 24 October 2012

Questions for chapter 3-5

1, He spilt the ink on his friend and his arch enemy has the better collection.
2, Chaz's dad did not ask him anything because he is afraid of the cops.
3,The police are concerned about the gun because it is the newest machine gun made it has 2000 rounds and can shoot through bricks.
4, They thought a child stole the gun because the saw mark was quite rough and they thought it was a smart child’s work
5,The police did not look in the rabbit hutch because they wouldn't fit and if they did they would’ve found the gun.
6, Chas likes to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.
7, Boddser was easy to make fun of.
8,Boddser is the bully and he took the stuff out of the dead mans body.
9, The family's  will die or there home's will get boomed thats what i think will happen to the characters later in the story.

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